Free English Classes and Children's Bible Lessons Contact us HERE if you are able to join or if you have any questions
The 2025 conference recordings are available in the link below Conference Recordings
Marvel not that I say unto thee, YOU must be born again. John 3:7 Hear a Gospel Message
JOIN US Every Sunday at 11am for Sunday School and Gospel Meetings
Acts 16:30-31
What must I do to be saved?... Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved
Schedule of Weekly Meetings
THE lORD'S sUPPER 10 - 11am
The most significant meeting of the assembly. The Lord introduced this before His death. He told his disciples to remember Him by partaking of bread and wine as symbols of His body and blood.
Following the teaching of the Lord and the example of the Apostles, we meet weekly to remember the Lord Jesus and remember His death. The first hour of the meeting is for worship and singing. Without prearrangement, the meeting is open for men in assembly fellowship to stand and lead the congregation in praise and worship of Christ for His person and work at the cross. The worship is followed by the taking of the bread and wine by members of the assembly. (Please note that taking bread and wine is limited to members of the fellowship.) All are most welcome to witness the assembly carry out this important ordinance that the Lord Jesus himself commanded.
Coffee and refreshments are served from 11:00 am to 11:30 am.
sUNDAY sCHOOL 11:30 - 12pm
Young people ages 3 and up are welcome to attend. After a time of singing and learning a bible verse, the children are taught a broad range of stories and principles from the Bible.
bIBLE sTUDY/ MINISTRY 11:30 - 12pm
This meeting is held in the main auditorium concurrent with the Sunday School. It is for adult bible study where a chapter is studied or ministry from the Bible is given by local brethren. The purpose is to instruct, encourage and strengthen believers.
gOSPEL mEETING 12 - 12:30pm
The gospel we preach is "that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:" 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
In this meeting, we emphasize the Bible’s call to repent from sin and personally accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Since this is an individual matter, no “altar calls” are ever held; personal conversation, however, is always available should you desire it.
BIBLE STUDY 7:30 - 8:30PM
This meeting is divided into two equal sections: the first for prayer and the latter for systematic Bible study. Books of the Bible are studied chapter by chapter by local brethren.
The meetings are held on Zoom. For login information, please contact us here by clicking the following link: Zoom